A Nexus for Arts and Music
Supported by the Tokyo University of the Arts
Alumni Association of New York
Hyojin Kim is a sculptor and educator based in Tokyo, Japan. She received a B.F.A. from the University of Seoul and an M.F.A. from Seoul National University. She also received a Ph.D. in Fine Art at the Tokyo University of the Arts, majoring in Metal Casting.
Now, she currently works as a Teaching and Research Assistant at the Department of Metal Casting in Tokyo University of the Arts.
She creates original, imaginative artworks by breaking away from the dichotomous thinking of traditional and modern crafts, pursuing a balanced crafting method that varies from traditional casting techniques that solely use the properties of soil to modern methods of precision casting machines.
From prototyping to casting, Kim runs the entire production process herself, covering a wide range of metalwork from contemporary jewelry to large-scale sculptures.
She alloys various types of metals through using the different characteristics of earth, wind, and fire, in which she compellingly expresses a narrative she wants to convey.
【Collection】Korean Catholic Martyrs' Museum

reflecting plates
80 x 70 x 35, 155 x 60 x 30,
170 x 80 x 30, 150 x 70 x 27 (mm), 2017
yugi (Cu:Sn = 85:15)