A Nexus for Arts and Music
Supported by the Tokyo University of the Arts
Alumni Association of New York
1964 Born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan Completed the postgraduate course at Tokyo University of the Arts The Graduation Work was bought by the Ministry of Education Professor Tokyo University of the Arts Mobilia Gallery Exhibition / Mobilia Gallery(Boston)(2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007/2019/2022)SOFA Exhibition(New York、Chicago、Florida)(2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007)TOMOMI MARUYAMA SCULPTURE / Mobilia Gallery, Boston The Boston Globe/ publication Virtual Gallery of Contemporary Fine Metalwork / Birmingham City University(Birmingham)SNAG conferences / Mobilia Gallery(Boston)I express my own interpretation of the traditional techniques of Japanese metalworking. My work has been appraised at many international exhibitions including those in the U.S., China, and Korea.

fighter M
300 x 450 x 900 (mm), 2020
copper lacquer